Window Replacement

Whether you need new windows for the home you are building or it is time for replacement windows to gain energy efficiency, Door Systems Inc. can help. We have many different types of energy efficient windows for both commercial and residential properties depending on your needs.

Window Replacement Options

Did you know that windows come in different levels of quality? At Door Systems Inc. we are proud to offer high quality, Energy Star windows to our customers. Buying high quality windows provides home and business owners with long lasting, maintenance free windows that come with manufacturer warranties. If you prefer a low quality window, like those you would buy from a big box store, we can provide those as well but will only do so at your request due to the limited warranties available and the experience to know these types of windows will not last.

Benefits of Energy Efficient Window Replacement

Energy efficiency is quite the buzz-word these days and you may be wondering about the benefits of installing energy efficient windows. There are a number of benefits in choosing Energy Star windows when selecting new windows for your home or it’s time for window replacements.

Better Insulation

Energy efficient windows are made with quality frame materials to reduce the heat transfer and help insulate your home. 
They come with an Energy Star rating, ranking them on:
Insulating value, lower numbers reflect better insulating value.
Solar Heat Gain Coefficient (SHGC)
Amount of heat from the sun passing through the glass. Lower numbers indicate glass is keeping heat from entering your home.
Visible Transmittance
Rates the amount of visible light passing through the glass. In this case, higher numbers note glass is allowing more light to enter.
Air Infiltration
How much air is escaping or entering through the window. Lower numbers are best as they show air is kept from entering or escaping.
Condensation Resistance
Indicates amount of moisture it takes for glass to condensate when exposed to extreme temperature changes. Higher numbers show better resistance.
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